Over Nothing at All is a play Sarraute wrote in the 80s.


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三小 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I know we can store up goods "before" the disaster actually happened. But what do you do when it just happened? In that deadly 6 seconds (or less), what you going do to survive?

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Hey guys! Here is a quick survival guide. But it only works when you are dealing with slow moving zombies. Oops!

Still I am going to quote some of the tips in the movie (not in the right order but just how I remembered):

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蘭道夫·弗雷德里克·「蘭迪」·鮑許(英語:Randolph Frederick "Randy" Pausch,1960年10月23日-2008年7月25日)是美國卡內基梅隆大學計算機科學人機互動設計教授。2006年9月,他被診斷患有胰腺癌。儘管進行了手術化療,他還是於2007年8月被告知癌細胞已經轉移肝臟脾臟,至多可以再存活3到6個月[1]。波許於2008年7月25日過世,享年47歲。



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The way leading to a happy or happier life is actually no secret.

You have seen people doing it and talking about it a lot already. 

The question is: are you ready for the change?

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The world is going to end anyway

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It seems to me the key in religion is about trust.

image by chi




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(image by chi)

It's a miracle that I walked directly to the studio ( a place full of junk I collected over years) and picked up something to work on. Before all these "possibilities" were just lying there covered with dust and mud.

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