目前分類:theater (11)
- Nov 10 Wed 2010 17:10
- Oct 19 Tue 2010 12:14
[讀劇本心得] 黑人與狗的爭鬥 (戈爾德思 Koltès, 1979)
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image from Yale Repertory Theatre |
- Jun 12 Thu 2008 09:29
新古典舞團:民國四十六年--- 頓悟 (5.17.2008)
- Jun 01 Sun 2008 13:22
女節 theater festival: 我的敵人 (5.30.2008)
- May 29 Thu 2008 22:03
北藝大夏季公演:歌德 浮士德 (5.22.2008)
- May 01 Thu 2008 20:21
身聲演繹:光‧音 (4.25.2008)
- Apr 17 Thu 2008 22:43
外表坊:婚姻場景 ( 4.10.2008)
- Mar 21 Fri 2008 09:22
台灣創作社 《R.Z》/ 3.13.2008 國家實驗劇場
《R.Z》is a short for Koltes' Roberto Zucco.
Roberto Zucco (1962 -1988)是一個真實人物,為80年代惡名遠播全歐洲的義大利籍連續殺人犯;自81年起即殺死了自己的父母親,爾後逃出精神病院,靠火車的便利繼續在歐洲國家犯下各種罪行。據說 Koltes(1948-1989)是在看到警方對 Zucco 的通緝海報後,而有了創作的靈感,在1988年完成這個同名劇本(Roberto Zucco),這也是他人生最後的作品。1988年 Zucco 在監獄中自殺,一年後 Koltes 死於愛滋引發的病症。
- Mar 12 Wed 2008 23:20
光環舞集:人物語 (3/7/2008)
- May 02 Wed 2007 17:40
Grotowski to me
Grotowski |
A polish Jew with a strong interest in Indian guru philosophy was not anything exceptional or genius just as Beatles were also very keen on these oriental mysteries in the 60s. In fact, it was the hip thing to do at that time (50-60s). People were dreaming about all the magnificent colors behind the puff of peyote. (invisible to the common eyes)
At least this oriental flame brought in some fresh air to the WWII aftermath. The hermit style of guru's living permitted the so called "spiritual growth" in solitary. Individualism was grooving.
Grotowski was able to follow this "spiritual" trend as a young man. At 26, he and his friends started to practice his theory in theaters. Just like the cave men, all the worldly elements were not necessary (and could even be harmful). Things were stripped to the cores. Thus "Poor Theater" emerged to knock off the western conventions. Grotowski pursued this "spiritual" attitude through all his life. Peter Brook had referred him as the "technician of the sacred". The Grotowski theater theory was indeed very powerful. However it wasn't that genius or genuine, the tendency was simply unavoidable: it happened in music, art, drug culture and why not in theater?
- Apr 23 Mon 2007 10:55
Antonin Artaud