目前分類:閱讀心得 (10)
- Nov 10 Wed 2010 17:28
[劇本讀後感] 事在人求 ( Michel Vinaver, 1970-1971)
- Oct 18 Mon 2010 22:21
Die Arabische Nacht 阿拉伯之夜 (Roland Schimmelpfennig, 1998)
由德國劇作家 Schimmelpfennig 創作的《阿拉伯之夜》曾被德國權威刊物《今日戲劇》提名為2001年的最佳劇作,至今已被至少 13 個國家的劇團演繹過。此中文劇本讀來彷彿是公寓樓層間的旅行,和著水聲上上下下、來來回回地歌唱,人物在文字對話聲響中「相遇」。
- Sep 27 Mon 2010 21:06
Over Nothing At All (Nathalie Sarraute)
- Sep 27 Mon 2010 19:56
[劇本讀後感] Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959) /film script by Marguerite Duras
- Sep 19 Sun 2010 17:56
電影: 宗教的荒謬 Religulous (2008)
- Apr 30 Thu 2009 10:45
As We May Think
As We May Think by Vannevar Bush, 1945.
(available at http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/194507/bush/4 target=new)

image of the famous "Memex" machine
- Mar 31 Mon 2008 18:43
惡童日記三部曲 v.s 台灣
- Feb 28 Thu 2008 22:50
Book review: Catching the Big Fish. Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity
It's a small shiny green book with hard cardboard covers.
Again, it's one of those celebrity books, bearing the name of a famous individual--- David Lynch in this case. The book sale is guaranteed. (Probably not necessary two thumbs up.) However the secret art of a successful film-maker is tempting.
- Oct 07 Sun 2007 11:08
黑麋鹿如是說 Black Elk Speaks
- Oct 04 Thu 2007 09:05
Susan Sontag [麥田出版 王德威主編]
這本書主要包涵了 Sontag 的 interview,conducted by 幾位深具大中國意識的所謂"知識份子",他們心中的肩膀扛著"犬儒"的社會大任,似乎在主流壓迫下必須擠點知識的奶水貢獻國家,相較於他們的過度簡化與標籤化,Sontag可顯得氣度寬宏與謙卑多了。