從小就死背中國古時候地理與歷史,從小在國語課就講究字正腔圓把台語當次等語言,原住民當保育動物(或貧賤的受害者),從小就練習在蔣公前空兩格,從小因升學制度每天光死讀的educated fool,只能在遠足或畢業旅行時透過近視眼鏡觀察台灣。但那雙躲在鏡片下的眼睛,是否可以真的接納台灣--- 孕育我們的母親?


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舞蹈= 靜力劇場

影像設計= 冷火雞三明治 (方琦)

(video work for Static Theater, 2006)

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(After Hour Party, Silver gelatin print, 1998)


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Sacrificial Beast, 2006

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(The Wanderer and His Shadow, 2006)
Related link: http://www.safulakart.com/ee_200603.htm

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  • Aug 19 Fri 2005 17:28
  • day 52


On that particular day, as if no one had been to the desert. The cream melted in the pot. Chicken danced in blood. Fish pores.


(IMAGE BY CHI, 1996)

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(image by chi, 1998)

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Planet of hair (paper, ink), 2006

Broken poetry (wood, photo print, wax), 2004

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to suck in
to regenerate

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whatever that is. impossible to comprehend.

i know nothing will come out of this. she goes blind quietly and that's it. no one will say anything.

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