其作品之令人為之一亮,它的原創性更勝過目前許多所謂的「藝術家」。若她們生長在強國, 我相信她們絕對能在當代藝術史上佔有相當的篇幅。但很不幸的,當她們在世時並無受到太多藝術界應有的注意與尊重,至少我是這麼認為。因為那些沉迷於19世紀印象派寫實的老古板, 已用睡蓮那一套腐化台灣藝術界很久了。
純創作這條艱辛的路,有許多人畢生淪為他人風格下的附屬品,或打幾個電話搞定所謂的藝術品或弄點文化風情,附和些高科技手法等。有太多人選擇容易的一邊,放棄對自己的誠實,只在乎藝評與觀眾的部分意見,而且很不幸的,許多見解都是浮誇如百貨公司折扣--- 只是炒作而已。
These two recently deceased female artists: Chen Hsing Wan (1951-2004) and Lii Jiin-Shiow (1953-2003) are the best artists I have ever seen in Taiwan.
I am very much inspired by their work. They were crazy enough to do what they were doing. Their work did not reflect the conservative trend of the majority in Taiwanese art world. Rather they took it into their personal dimension (smashing!) and created something very unique and powerful. Unfortunately, Taiwanese art critique did not pay enough respect to their work. They were almost uninterested to the art world before they died. One of them was married to an installation artist and for the rest of her life trying to help him become famous! Another one found her way in Paris, living on her own and died there alone. However, work speaks for itself. I think their work is far more interesting and intensive than most of the exhibitions at our major museums. They totally beat the contemporaries! To focus on their gender is to lower their rank in art-making. They go far beyond that.
Works by 陳幸婉 (Chen Hsing Wan) ---
真是太過分了!!!! 明明超優秀的!!