目前分類:Insane Notes (37)

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It seems to me the key in religion is about trust.

image by chi




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(image by chi)

It's a miracle that I walked directly to the studio ( a place full of junk I collected over years) and picked up something to work on. Before all these "possibilities" were just lying there covered with dust and mud.

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(image by chi)

I have that kind of small town syndrome---

"I hate this place. Let me get out of this shit hole!"

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image by chi



It's hard to get out of the bed and think positively because the "past" experiences make us predict the day is just another bad hang-over.



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(image by chi)

Future. Corpse. Air-conditioned.

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( my studio)





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image by chi

Yea i know it's old shit. But really I have to update something; something cheerful, something doesn't hurt our brains or hearts. Something totally harmless. I am going to be a total asshole. An asshole with a proper name tag, with a position in the government office. Steady income with a reliable social status. By that I am not an idiot anymore; an idiot tries too hard to make a living. Who says that a bad artist is much worse than a okay middle class?

image by chi
image by chi

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Learning to Love you more
website's #70 assignments: saying goodbyes

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  • Mar 31 Mon 2008 18:14
(collage by chi)

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  • Mar 31 Mon 2008 18:11
  • 失眠

(image by chi)



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The sun was brutal since this morning. Tammy could feel it burning on her cheek inside the car.

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image by chi



A tragedy happened at a local sweet shop.

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(image by chi_)

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(After Hour Party, Silver gelatin print, 1998)


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  • Aug 19 Fri 2005 17:28
  • day 52


On that particular day, as if no one had been to the desert. The cream melted in the pot. Chicken danced in blood. Fish pores.


(IMAGE BY CHI, 1996)

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to suck in
to regenerate

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It's the female's body being penetrated by artist's perception.



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